Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Giants

The Toronto Telegram strip The Giants was drawn from September 1964 to September 1967 by Norm Drew and continued with artist Bill Payne and writer Walt McDayter until 1969. After leaving the GIANTS cartoonist Norm Drew headed to London and eventual animation work on the Beatles Yellow Submarine film. In the mid 1970’s Drew had two daily and weekly cartoon features appearing nationally: Chika, Choppy & Chips© (a children’s puzzle panel) and The Bush Babies©  the latter running in the Globe & Mail.

Giants (of Canadian history) was a Toronto Telegram Expo '68 run up feature. In 1967 we then took the feature international in subject matter. The first episode was The Bomb Builders’ dealing with the creation of the atomic bomb issuing in the nuclear age. Went international with a big bang one could say. Next was the story of the creation of the FBI. That elicited a personal fan letter from J. Edgar himself. - Norm Drew ]

Norm Drew and Walt McDayter

May 13, 1966

May 26, 1966, Lethbridge Herald.

Jan 21, 1965, Lethbridge Herald.

Norm Drew at work on The Giants

Thanks to Norm Drew


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